Veneers are the miracle restoration for imperfect teeth. This simple procedure can transform all kinds of different smiles.
If you are displeased with the appearance of your teeth, schedule your free consultation with Dr. Schaefer. He can help you decide whether porcelain veneers are right for you.
What are Dental Veneers?
Dental veneers are thin shells of ceramic that are bonded to the surfaces of damaged teeth. The shells are matched to your natural smile, and can instantly improve the alignment, shape, and color of your teeth. Veneers also add strength to weak or chipped teeth while they enhance their aesthetic.
For the best design and placement of your porcelain veneers, you want a dentist with an artistic eye. Dr. Schaefer has the technical training and attention to detail you need to transform your smile with veneers.
Am I a Candidate for Veneers?
Veneers are highly popular due to their versatility. They can solve most, if not all, of your smile concerns. Some problems that dental veneers can address include:
Worn Down Teeth | When the enamel of your teeth becomes worn down, you may notice dullness, discoloration, and sensitivity. Veneers can rebuild the teeth and give them a bright appearance.
Cracks and Chips | Physical trauma or decay can lead to broken teeth. Veneers will cover these chips and give you a more even grin.
Misshapen Teeth | Do you have teeth with poor shape or size? Veneers can give them a full shape that matches the rest of your teeth.
Misalignment | Veneers are called “instant orthodontics” because they can reverse minor crookedness for some patients.
Gaps between Teeth | These thin restorations can treat small gaps between the teeth to give you a flawless smile.
What are the Advantages of Porcelain Veneers?
Porcelain veneers look natural. They are virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth.
Veneers are highly resistant to staining—you can consume coffee, tea, and wine without concern. Veneers will give you a long-lasting, brilliantly white smile.
They are also resistant to chipping. As long as you treat your veneers with care, you should not experience chipping.
Porcelain veneers can last for well over ten years. Clean your veneers and maintain regular dental appointments. They will provide strength and beauty to your smile for a decade or longer!
To find out more about dental veneers, please give us a call. We hope to hear from you at Schaefer Advanced Dentistry soon.